You will get Red Dead Redemption 2 Rockstar account email and password for PC.
Login on rockstar games launcher and put the game to download and play.
You can download rockstar games launcher from (
1. We acheive a low price for our customers by using a special VPN method to purchase the game at much cheaper regional pricing than can be found in Europe. Once this process is completed, we sell the accounts on our website pre-loaded with the game. The game works in all regions and languages.
2. We will also provide you with the login details to the email account mailbox associated with the Rockstar Account. This is useful for 2-step authentication, email verification, etc.
3. Once you receive the account, you can change the account password to something private, and the password for the email account associated with it, add your phone number etc, to ensure the account is 100% exclusively owned by yourself and impossible for anyone else to have control over.
4. The account will have Red Dead Redemption 2 within the game library, so you can simply log in to the Rockstar Launcher and begin downloading!
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